
Land areas can be owned by a company, an individual, or the government. The area protection is implemented using a modified version of areas by ShadowNinja with more callbacks, and a land mod.

Exclusive Subareas

Unlike with vanilla areas, owners of parent area cannot modify a subarea unless they are also own that area. This is done to protect, for example, a company subletting from a property company which has created a mall.

Note that owner is used vaguely to mean an employee of the company with correct permissions, the owning individual, or a member of the government if government-owned.


The world is protected by an arbitrary tree of area protections. The government should own root areas (ie: areas with no parents), and sublet areas to private persons and companies.

It is suggest to create an area for each city, then to subarea into zones and individual lots. These city areas can be maintained by members of the Land department.

The city then contains subareas for each district, with rentable lots on each.

City A
├── City Centre (C)
│   ├── Shop 1 (C)
│   ├── Shop 2 (C)
│   ├── Mall (C)
│   |   ├── Shop 4 (C)
│   |   └── Shop 5 (C)
│   └── Offices 1 (I)
└── Industrial (I)
    ├── Factory 1 (I)
    ├── Factory 2 (I)
    ├── Factory 3 (I)
    ├── Factory 4 (I)
    ├── Offices 2 (I)
    ├── Offices 3 (I)
    └── Offices 4 (I)
City B
└── City Centre (C)
    └── Shop 1 (C)


When renting, tenants can be evicted by the parent owner with a month’s notice (a week IRL), or immediately by an admin.

Owners of a property can only be evicted by the admin.

Anything left by the tenant on eviction will be automatically packed up and stored by the government. The remaining content can be obtained for free until 6 months time (6 weeks), at which point it is sold by the government.


The taxation of a property depends on its valuation. By default, the valuation is calculated based on property size, location, and designation.

The valuation can also be overriden by the Land Department of the city.