Developer’s Introduction

Code Structure

  • capitalism - mods specifically created for this game
  • libs - libraries, don’t add or change anything by default
  • mtg - unmodified mtg mods
  • additional mods:
* **crafting** - provides new crafting system

Basic Concepts

A player belongs to zero, one, or more companies. A player can act on behalf of only one company at a time - this is their active company. The active company can be obtained using the following function:

local comp = company.get_active(name)

Actions and Permissions

Actions include:

  • Setting up craft networks and factories (CREATE_FACTORY, EDIT_FACTORY)
  • Making deals (NEGOTIATE_TRADE)
  • Making aquisitions (NEGOTIATE_STOCK)

These actions are subject to having the appropriate permission:

if not comp:check_perm(name, perm_name, meta) then
    error("can't do this!")

Permissions can be granted by the CEO of a company to other players at any time. This is done as part of the player tab in the inventory formspec.

You can see a list of permissions and their meaning in mods/capitalism/company/permissions.lua

Data Persistence

There’s a helper available to save and load arrays of classes:

if minetest then
    local storage = minetest.get_mod_storage()
    lib_utils.make_saveload(company, storage, "_companies", "add", company.Company)

make_saveload parameters:

  • tab - The mod’s table.
  • storage - ModStorageRef
  • itemarraykey - Key for the table of object, tab[itemarraykey].
  • regkey - The add function, tab[regkey]. Returns true on success.
  • class - a reference to the class. Must have:
* :new() with metatables and initialisation
* from_table(), returns true if successful
* to_table(), returns table


Common Variable Names

  • name - player name
  • comp - company
  • cname - company name
  • pname - player name
  • area - an areas area
  • acc - bank account
generated by LDoc 1.4.6 Last updated 2019-01-18 21:14:37